I really enjoy dating escorts

I have discovered that I am addicted to dating VIP London escorts. Things were really getting out of hand, and I decided to see a counselor. I have been to a counselor before about my porn movie addiction, and she did manage to fix that, so I am sure that she can fix this problem as well.

I don’t know how it happened, but all of a sudden I discovered that I started to have a real craving for dating escorts. Initially I started dating cheap London escorts, but after a little while of dating and surfing the net, I came across VIP London girls. I tell you now, these girls are just completely out of this world and the sexiest creatures that I have ever seen.

One of the girls I date on a regular basis is called Lucy. She has the most amazing blonde hair, and she is real stunner. Looking at her t-shirt closely you can also see that she wears nipple rings, and I tell you, I would just love to give those nipple rings a bit of a tweak. She is so sexy that sometimes I just don’t know what to do with myself. The way I feel at the moment, I would do anything for Lucy to become my girlfriend and I bet you, this is one really hot lady.

The thing is, my counselor says that this is exactly what London escorts do. They make themselves look really sex and act really sexy, and you soon become addicted to them. You will keep going around to see them in the hope that they will be more than your sexy companions. My counselor says that it is a bit like a vicious circle or hamster wheel, you just go around again hoping for another little treat.

I know she is right, because whenever I say to Lucy that I am not going to be able to date her any more, she pulls out another little trick or treat out of the bag. Then I just say to myself that I have to keep going as the next time I come around, the treat will be even better. Honestly, I can’t believe that I have fallen for this and as a 45 year old guy, I should really know better.

I have not told any of my friends about my London escorts addiction. They knew about my porn movie addiction, and I find it a bit awkward to tell them that I am battling another addiction. I keep on wondering what it is going to be next. I wonder how many addictions a man can have in his life without going totally nuts.

My counselor has suggested hypnotherapy, she says that hopefully that will make me see sense and that I will feel less compelled to visit escorts. But what if it only works for London escorts? After all, there are escorts all over the UK and I might end up dating somewhere else in the UK.


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